En marchant dans les rues de Florence, il arrive souvent de voir un taxi bizarre et très coloré conduit par une dame également colorée et toujours souriante. Eh bien, il s’agit du taxi “Milan 25” de Tante Catherine, qui rend un service exceptionnel, pour dire le moins: elle accompagne gratuitement read more

  • Tradition en cuir Florentine

    This content is only available in English. Please suggest a new version in your language. Already during the XIV century, Florence was famous for the production of leather, from tanning to selling. Therefore, leather craftsmanship has very ancient origins. Around 1282, the Arte dei Cuoiai o Galigai (curriers and tanners read more

  • Gino Bartali

    Gino Bartali (18 juillet 1914 – 5 mai 2000), appelé “Ginettaccio” par ses amis à cause de son caractère bourru et réservé, est un inoubliable champion cycliste, il a été trois fois gagnant du Tour d’Italie et deux fois gagnant du Tour de France. Son nom est indissolublement lié à read more

  • La conjuration des Pazzi

    This content is only available in English. Please suggest a new version in your language. The event that more than anything else fueled rumors and aroused the curiosity of historians, scriptwriters and even video game makers (e.g. Assassin’s Creed) is the Pazzi conspiracy. The Pazzi family aimed at overthrowing the read more

  • Villa Farnesina

    This content is only available in English. Please suggest a new version in your language. This “little” Farnese palace, perhaps would better be named Villa Chigi, in honor of the powerful and wealthy Sienese banker and art lover, Agostino Chigi, who commissioned the building and decoration of the impressive palace. read more

  • Vasco Pratolini

    This content is only available in English. Please suggest a new version in your language. Vasco Pratolini is thought to be one of the most important Italian writers of the second half of the 20th century. Some of his writings and novels are the best representation of the realist and, read more

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