Archaeological Museum in Zagreb

  • 3617_Archaeological_Museum_in_Zagreb3617_Archaeological_Museum_in_Zagreb

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    The Archaeological Museum (Croatian: Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu) in Zagreb, Croatia is an archaeological museum with over 450,000 varied artifacts and monuments, gathered from various sources.Its predecessor institution was the National Museum, open to the public since 1846. It was renamed to State Institute of Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia in 1866. In 1878, the Archaeological Department became an independent institution within the State Institute, and the umbrella institute was dissolved in 1939, leaving the Archaeological Museum as a standalone institution. The archaeological collection of the State Institute had been kept in the Academy mansion at Zrinski Square from the 1880s and remained there until 1945, when the museum moved to its current location at the Vranyczany-Hafner mansion, 19 Zrinski Square.Some of the famous artifacts include:Liber Linteus, 3rd century BCE mummy and bandages with the longest Etruscan inscription in existenceLumbarda Psephisma, 4th century BCE stone inscription detailing the founding of an ancient Greek colony on the island of Korula

    Eto soobshcheniye takzhe dostupna v: Английский Итальянский Французский Испанский Немецкий Португальский, Португалия

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